Summer Bowling Programs - Fun For All Ages | Kids Out and About Indianapolis

Summer Bowling Programs - Fun For All Ages

Every summer my kids enjoy participating in the Kids Bowl Free summer program.  The program is exactly as it sounds. You register, and all kids get 2 free games of bowling per day through the summer. There are participating bowling alleys in all 50 states. Most do not include shoe rental, but some do - you will just want to check with your local center. Even with shoe rental, it's a phenomenal deal for an hour or two of family fun. Adult passes are also available if you want to bowl WITH your kids: And I always do! You can find more information at


If there isn't a participating center near you, you may not be completely out of luck! Search This program is a bit more of an investment at $34.95/child (15 and under) and $39.95/ages 16+ which includes up to 3 games of bowling all summer long with shoes included. This is still a great deal, especially considering it includes shoes. It's just a matter of the upfront cost vs. free games and paying for shoes as you go. Those prices are for one specific bowling center. If you travel through the summer you may want to consider the Passport Membership for $39.99/child under 15 and $44.95/ages 16+.

It took my family of 5 about an hour to bowl one game, while also snacking on some concessions from the snack bar. My kids are 9, 6, 3 & 2 and everyone had an absolute blast bowling. They pulled out the bumpers for us, and provided us with light weight balls (6 lbs) and a ramp to help the little ones get some "umph" behind the ball.  


Still can't find a program near you? Try giving your local bowling alley a call to see if they have any center-specific centers given that summer bowling programs are growing in popularity.


Even if your kids head back to school in August, as far as the summer bowling programs are concerned (most at least), summer goes right through the end of August and/or Labor Day. Call your local bowling center  to find out all the details. Happy bowling!

© 2017 Meg Brunson 


This post was not sponsored. All opinions expressed are my own. See more pictures and details on Facebook and Instagram!


Meg is a mommy blogger, Facebook marketer, and much more. She is a mom to four kids who live in Peoria, AZ and is the local Editor of KidsOutAndAbout Phoenix - helping parents and caregivers find free and affordable things to do with kids, out and about in Arizona. As a former Facebook employee, Meg remains a Facebook addict and handles's Social Media Marketing in addition to providing freelance services for other small businesses on how to best leverage Facebook as a part of their marketing strategy. Learn more about Meg at!
