Plainfield Tri Kappa | Kids Out and About Indianapolis

Plainfield Tri Kappa

1 Red Pride Drive
Plainfield , IN , 46168
Phone: 317.221.3600
39° 40' 56.0496" N, 86° 22' 42.7296" W
Contact name: 
Plainfield Tri Kappa
Tri Kappa is a unique philanthropic organization because it exists only within the boundaries of the state of Indiana. The organization was founded in 1901 in Indianapolis by a group of seven young ladies at the Girls' Classical School founded by May Wright Sewall. Each was to begin a chapter in her hometown. From these humble beginnings, Tri Kappa has thrived to 145 Active chapters and 108 Associate chapters with almost 9,000 members. The Plainfield Delta Pi Chapter was installed on November 3, 1938. Since then, our chapter has grown to over 100 women. Each year, our largest event is Plainfield Tri Kappa Gingerbread Christmas, a local craft fair which showcases over 130 vendors with all handmade items. Admission and booth rental proceeds from the event help support our philanthropic endeavors throughout the local community. More information on our chapter and events can be found by clicking the links above.
