IYHA Jr Fuel (youth hockey)

The IYHA Jr Fuel offers classes every month on multiple days at multiple locations. Cost is $25/class. You can pick just one class or register for multiple classes each month.
SUNDAYS 3:15 - 4:15p
Indy Fuel Tank (Tank 2)
9022 E. 126th Street
Fishers, IN 46038
MONDAYS 4:15 - 5:15p
Indy Fuel Tank (Tank 1)
9022 E. 126th Street
Fishers, IN 46038
WEDNESDAYS 4:15 - 5:15p
Carmel Ice Skadium (Rink 2)
1040 3rd Avenue SW
Carmel, IN 46032
SATURDAYS 11:45am - 12:45pm
Arctic Zone Iceplex
16616 Southpark Dr.
Westfield, IN 46074
Our station-based format gives players the opportunity to learn the necessary skills in a safe and competitive environment. The action-packed practices keep the kids moving, engaged, and excited to back to the rink every week!
Each class starts with a 10-minute group warm-up with the whole class. Players are then divided into 4 groups based on age/skill level. Players will rotate through 4 stations every 10 minutes:
- Skating Station - forwards and backwards skating, turning, stopping, crossovers, etc.
- Game Station - soccer, tag, tic-tac-toe, guard the dog, etc
- Passing/Shooting Station - includes a variety of puck-handling and shooting drills
- Scrimmage Station - always every player's favorite station!
The last 5 - 7 minutes will be a group game of either Torpedo Alley or Sharks and Minnows for all players to participate. This is always a fun activity for the kids, coaches, and the parents!
*If your child has never skated before and is between the ages of 4 - 6 years, please email LTPH Director, Barb Laughner, to identify which class to register: barbsk8pro@gmail.com
All players must have:
- Helmet with a full-cage. No exceptions. Please put your player's first name on the front of their helmet (tape and marker)
- Hockey stick (please write your player's name on their stick)
- Gloves
For players ages 4 - 5, please wear snowpants, or warm-flexible layers, and winter gloves.
For players ages 6 - 17, full equipment is strongly encouraged. Equipment can be purchased at Perani's Hockey World (96th and 69 in front of Sam's Club), Play It Again Sports, Pure Hockey (online), and more. Or, you can check out our equipment room full of donated equipment at the Carmel Ice Skadium. This room is located in the hallway of Rink 2, and is open to players any time the rink is open. You may borrow any time necessary. Sizes and quantities are limited.