The World Around Us Scavenger Hunt
Explore Your World Scavenger Hunt
By Ronda Barnes, Certified Diversity Practitioner
Ever want to be adventurous but don't know where to start? Here's the nudge you need.
The Explore Your World Scavenger Hunt introduces you to new things in a fun and challenging way. Can you do at least eight of these activities? Get a group of your kids and their friends and make an afternoon of it! The best part is sharing what you learned with others afterward.
Places to go and things to see and do:
- Go to the farmer’s market or a local farm
- Try a cooking class
- What type was it?
- Volunteer at a local food bank or community kitchen
- Visit an animal sanctuary or wildlife refuge near you
- Go to a library and research an ancestor
- Use microfiche
- Look up a Census record
- Look through county historical society books
- Take a ride on public transportation
- City bus
- Subway
- Train
- Trolley
- _______
- Make something from scratch
- Craft
- Recipe
- Try eating with chop sticks
- If you are a natural with chopsticks try eating with a fork or spoon
- Or try eating your entire meal with just your hands (yes, kids love this one!)
- Take a nature hike and find an unopened pine cone or an unusual bird
- Try 5 foods that you have not tried before
- Green
- Red
- Yellow
- Purple
- Brown
- White
- ______
- Take a picture of a historical landmark or monument in your area
- Take a picture of something red that you put in your hair
- Go to an outdoor or free concert
- Wear a pedometer for a day. How many steps did you take?
- Photograph something that keeps you warm
- Take a picture of someone hanging upside down
- Take a picture on top of something (be careful!)
- Tree
- Hill
- Tower
- ______
- Take a picture of someone doing nice for a stranger
- Take a picture of someone riding a bike
- Take a picture of your county’s courthouse
- Take a picture of your town’s or city’s official seal
- Photograph something with a date from the 1800’s – or before
- Visit a visitor’s center near you
- Photograph a map of your state
- Take a picture of something that tells how many people live in a city
- ake a picture of a local arts event
- Take a picture of something that gives you information about your local hospital
- Get a change of address card from the post office
- Find a telephone booth or other public telephone
- Find out if your town has verbal cross walks
- Smell a purple flower
- Take a picture of something with colors or mascot of a local college
- Take a picture of a shopping bag from a local mall
- Take a picture of a state flag
- Take a picture of a schedule of activities or a pamphlet from a local nursing home or senior center
- Get a list of safety tips from a local fire department
- Take a picture of a cloud shaped like a . . .
- You fill in the blank
- Learn to say “Hi” in a language you are not familiar with
- Sign language
- Foreign language
- Whistle with a piece of grass
- Find a stick longer than 1 foot
- Find a rock bigger than the palm of your hand
- Find something that will float
- Try moving around your house and eating a meal while wearing a blindfold
- Using a wheel chair go up a handicapped ramp and enter a building by yourself
- Hula hoop
- How long could you hula?
- Find something that you can recycle
- Find a coin on the ground
- What coin was it?
- Was it heads up or down?
- Try washing the dishes without standing on your feet
- Knock on your neighbor’s door and just say “Hi”
- Left side neighbor
- Right side neighbor
- Across the street neighbor
- A neighbor you haven’t met yet
- Write a paragraph with the hand you don’t normally write with
- Play a card game with one hand behind your back
- Look up an opera on YouTube and listen for at least five minutes
- Collect leaves from at least five different trees
- Which trees did you find?
- Were the items you chose a challenge to do or find?
- What did you learn?
- Did you like something new that you tasted?
- Would you do it again?
- How many people were in your group?
- Did everyone participate?
Talk about your experiences with five different people.
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